Thanks for visiting Revise4IAS !
Revise4IAS is an online education portal focused on helping revise for Civil Service Exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The website aims to consolidate the relevant topic for effective revision of serious aspirant.
Here’s some info to get you started:
What is Revise 4 IAS?
The most critical element of difference found between aspirants who clear the prelims stage of UPSC exam repeatedly and who are unable to reach cut off is attempting the exam feeling they have consolidated their preparation of last months and are ready to face any types of MCQ in the question paper.
The consolidation of preparation happens only with effective revision. In 2014, the website launched to deliver an effective revision guide for serious aspirants only.
Prepare from anywhere but revise with
Why Revise4IAS?
Best of brains compete for this prestigious examination. Many students accordingly take coaching, training etc. Many go through array of guidance material from internet. This all might be helpful but also a distraction in one way. Doing an online search might make you spend hours downloading content and spending more time on internet than focusing on the content to be read.
We felt to strengthen the revision aspect of exam as key to success for exam. While the best way to test knowledge is appearing the exam itself but we felt strengthening the area which has been favourite area of UPSC for civil services exam would help in giving shape to preparation for prelims.
In this regards we created a 35 days prelims plan to help you revise and touch up the most frequently asked areas. Join today to mould and align your preparation fully focused to UPSC Civil service exam.
As per our policy we do not use name or photograph of our students to promote any program. We only go referral basis. is the helping hand to complement the effort of prepared candidate for better outcome
How can I use Revise 4 IAS to clear my IAS exam in phases?
Civil Service exam is conducted in 3 phases . Prelims, Main and Interview. Each being an elimination round. One has to be aptly prepared mentally for each phase as the phases test different ability at different times.
The first phase being the UPSC prelims. It is divided in Two exams . Paper-I the GS and Paper -II the CSAT. The paper-II shall be qualifying in nature as per the recent notification released.
Revise4IAS course is designed to strengthen your fundamentals from the most recurring area of questions of the syllabus. At present it is aimed towards success in Prelim examination.
Importance of Revision
It makes the materials stay fresh in your mind.
You understand older topics better, because they make more sense when you revise.
Helps to reduce tension about the exam.
Builds up your confidence because you become better prepared.
Repetition is the law of deep and lasting impression.
The more you read a particular material, the more it stays in your mind
How do I get started?
Subscribe to our daily one email study guide.
Just starting your IAS preparation?
Figure out whether you need a IAS coaching or can do self-study. Get familiar with exam test papers .Download the papers . Take the first practice test in one sitting, and see how you perform. If you are near 50% score in papers, then self-prep may be the best option. If you need lots of improvement, then think about a reputed IAS coaching center.
Get a study plan. Put together a study plan by referencing the resources available on the net or with us. For inspiration as well as useful tips, read through the successful aspirant’s stories. Figure out which books you will need to purchase for your preparation by visiting the Book Store section.
Who are We?
Revise 4 IAS came as an initiative amongst few aspirant who had come from various places of country to Delhi for IAS coaching in 2008.Our only goal is to become the best medium of focused preparation hub for exclusive civil services examination of UPSC on internet.
Yes there is a story and so much other content. We would skip them right away as it is not relevant for exam. We do not count social media presence as our asset but seek the support of community.
The New Way To Revise
Revise4IAS will revolutionise how you prepare for Civil services examination. No more outdated documents, printouts, magazine contents that clog up your desk, weigh down your bag and don’t give any feedback.
It’s all here, in one easy to use program that generates timed topic tests and practice exams, with the click of a button. Track your progress, focus where it matters most and get your mentors help. Learn from the best possible answers, practice your recall and smash your civil service exam attempt fantastically.
What makes a good revision plan?
A good revision plan should be:
Realistic: everyone has good intentions, but be careful not to set a plan you can’t stick to.
Detailed: a good plan breaks revision into chunks, specifies times for studying and assigns each time to a subject or topic.
Flexible: some topics are difficult and may take you longer than you planned. Don’t be afraid to adjust your plan accordingly.
Relevant:Should be able to consolidate preparation for the examination.
Sticking to a revision plan is hard. Ticking off topics when you’ve covered them will give you a sense of achievement.
What makes revise4ias approach different?
Exam revision is a difficult thing to master but the important thing to note is that it can be mastered. However, it requires a lot of application, dedication and time to ensure you cover all the areas that might appear on your exam. Below are just some tips you need to master to make sure you ace that exam.
This is a vital component of exam revision. You may have the best resources in the world; you have befriended the studious aspirants to gain access to their notes, sequestered a study desk approved by world-leading chiropractors and have received industrially sized orders of energy drinks but none of this matters if you don’t have the time to actually sit down and study!
Your brain needs time to process all the information it’s taking in. If you dream of an A, and all the lofty success that comes with it, make sure you PLAN!
Delve Deep
Aspirants have it tough; Civil Service exam curriculums are vast in their scope and cover a lot of material. To combat this many aspirants jump around from topic to topic, only really scratching the surface. You are better off taking one topic at a time and delving as deep into it as possible. Place each topic in context, gain a rich understanding of it before you move on to the next topic. Once you do the same with other topics you can then compare and contrast them and have truly unique insights that will garner you a concept clarity. If you can do this, it doesn’t matter what question comes up in the exam as you will be able to deal with it. Not because you rattle off a list of dates, or recall a specific formula but because you understand what you are being asked… there’s a big difference!
Practice Papers
It’s cliché. I know. But practice makes perfect. Before any exam you should familiarise yourself with the exam structure, the types of questions asked, the marking scheme and how you are going to manage your time. The best way to prepare for this is by completing practice papers. Practice individual questions or sections in your own time , make sure your answer is a good as possible. The more you familiarize yourself with the exam structure and style the better your answers will become. When you are comfortable, take a mock exam in a real exam scenario – turn off your phone, don’t talk, time yourself and be honest.
All these features help your exam revision and we hope your exam results! So sign-up for free now and see if they work for you.